Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Challenge - Week 1

So this is the 1st week that I'm posting for the summer challenge that I set upon myself. I wasn't able to follow strictly to the tasks I set, but then again I was expecting that. There were some days where I just wasn't in the mood  to draw. Of course I would draw, but I may skip on a task if I didn't feel like doing it, or just draw more of something else. But with all that said, I made a surprising amount of drawings that I wouldn't normally do and made some that I'm really proud of.

I couldn't get to doing some observation drawings this week, so I will try to start off with that instead of leaving it to the end.

Anyway, here is the work I have produced this week.

I think that I will try and work with color for the figure drawings. Black and white is great, but its getting a little boring for me. I will also concentrate more on doing some individual studies of the bones so that I can make them more organic rather than making them blocky like have here. It looks great in terms of knowing what the form is doing, but I think I'm ready to step it up. And of course, more observation drawings. I think I will actually try drawing with a pen for those. I haven't tried it before, and have always been intimidated by it because I can't erase. But I shall prevail! :D

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